You Did That! Coaching + Advising

Turn your maybe someday idea into something tangible through three months of 1:1 accountability coaching and advising
Book your discovery call

You're an ideas person.

Where other people draw a blank, you can’t help but see brilliant possibilities.

Ones that could make you a million dollars or solve a societal problem or make someone shed a tear because of the sheer emotional power of your art.

It’s a gift, yes.  

But it’s a little overwhelming, if you’re being honest.

Though blessed with the ability to see what’s possible, you struggle to transform your ideas into something real because:
You have so many ideas you don’t know where to start
The momentum fades once you get into the weeds of the work
Fear, shame, and perfectionism keep you frozen
After countless project starts and stops, you don’t trust yourself to see something all the way through

But you want to be a person who actually creates the things you dream about.

Who wouldn’t? There’s no better feeling than:
🗣 Being able to name the fears that keep you from building and sharing your ideas
🏡 Finally understanding the conditions you need in order to do your best work and allow others to enjoy it, too
🌀 Experiencing the momentum and self-trust that happen when you bring an idea to life

So, how do you turn an idea into a physical reality?

You create a clear container where your idea can grow, some might call it an incubator. 😉

After years of bringing things to life, including…

Creating a methodology and certifying people in it
Launching a Kickstarter that was 200% funded
Reimagining and republishing a book in the public domain
Growing a newsletter to thousands of subscribers
Partnering with global brands
Writing a book, a workbook, and two card decks
Designing and sourcing physical products

I realized the same elements were always CLEAR and present:

🔮 C larity - Getting clear on what I wanted, how I wanted to feel, and what I was trying to figure out
🤸🏾‍♂️ L evity - Lowering the stakes for my projects and making them as fun as they can be
🧪 E xperimentation - Testing and learning ASAP without being afraid to iterate
A ccountability - Finding ways to create positive external pressure to keep me going when intrinsic motivation wasn’t enough
📚 R esources - Not starting from scratch, allowing others’ knowledge and experience —sometimes from unexpected places— to inform my own

And when I noticed myself or other people not getting what they want, it was because something  wasn’t CLEAR.

Which one sounds most like you?
You’ve got an idea, but the details are hazy. Every time you try to get started, you find yourself lost in the soft fog of what could be.
You’re actually amazing atstarting, it’s finishing that’s the problem.The idea machine doesn’t turn off once you kick off a project. A shinier idea inevitably comes along, and you ditch your current project like Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride.
Your idea feels big and VERY IMPORTANT, tysm.  The perceived gravitas of the project kinda sucks all the fun out of it. So you find yourself doing other things that feel more novel and enjoyable instead.
You’re convinced there’s only one right way to birth your idea, and you’re determined to find it. Months pass as you agonize over what’s the ideal first step to take.
You knew what you were doing with your idea—until you didn’t. You’ve got questions. The kinds of questions that you don’t even know where to go to answer. You don’t know what you don’t know, and it’s draining your momentum.
You know exactly what to do, but you’re not doing it. Every once in a while, you think it might be helpful to get some outside support and accountability. But then you promptly tell that thought to kindly shut up. You should be able to do this yourself! This new tool or planning framework will fix everything. Sure, it didn’t help last time, but this time will be different…

Get clear. Take action. Let’s bring your idea to life.

You Did That! is a three month, 1:1 idea-to-reality incubator. You’ll move from overwhelmed idea person to ushering one of your ideas into the world!

What You Did That! includes:

🪄 Three, 60 minute coaching sessions - I’ll ask you powerful questions to help you right-size your idea, move through the inevitable obstacles, and start making your idea happen!
🔊 Asynchronous coaching and advising via Voxer, with a 48  business hour reply time - I’ll check in with you on Mondays and Fridays to provide built-in accountability, and you can reach out anytime with questions, feedback requests, or just to get a good ole pep talk.
🔑Access to my years of experience. I’ve brought ideas to life that have touched thousands of people across the globe. I learned a lot of things the hard way. Let me help you skip a few steps.


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Book a Next Step Session.

You Did That! is for you if:

  • You have something specific to work on, or you’re willing to narrow down to something specific
  • You thrive when you have accountability
  • You’re ready to roll up your sleeves and do the work—not just talk about it
  • You’re willing to experiment with different approaches outside of your norm

You Did That! is not for you if:

  • You want someone else to do the work for you
  • You get annoyed when someone holds you to your commitments
  • You’re uncomfortable asking for what you need. The Voxer space is pure magic, but only if you use it
  • You’re not willing to right-size your idea to something you can realistically accomplish in three months

Projects that would thrive in You Did That!

Writing—a proposal, a novella, a web series, an outline
Designing an offer
Testing a business idea
Planning an event
Creating a piece of art—or a series!
Rebuilding your website
Mapping out a workshop or keynote
Developing a physical product

Who are you to help me with this, Taylor… respectfully?

Honestly, I asked myself the same question for a while, but people keep reminding me that  I’m a person who decides she wants to do something and figures out how to make it happen.

I’m a founder, author, former VP of Operations, and prolific creator who’s:

  • Felt frozen in the uncomfortable stretch that happens when an idea’s too big to wrap your arms around.
  • Heard—and even resisted!—the siren song of sexier ideas trying to distract me from the idea in front of me.
  • Managed to make things happen without experience, connections or a big budget

And I bring more than my personal experience realizing all kinds of concepts to the table. I’m an ICF-credentialed coach and a certified resilience practitioner who’s trained to support people through ambiguity.

One of my recent clients told me I gave “polite drag” energy. I ask the tough questions. And I tell it like it is—which can mean reminding you how amazingly capable you are or reflecting a pattern I’m seeing!—because I want you and your idea to be all that you can be.

In three months you could be telling yourself, “Wow, You Did That!”

And it all starts with a discovery call.

Book a discovery call

They said it best

With Taylor by my side, I was able to experiment with business ideas with a lens of curiosity rather than shame or fear of failure. Instead of feeling lost and constantly Google searching for answers, I was able to turn to Taylor and process what was on my mind and heart.

Taylor's coaching integrates personal development with business strategy. Taylor doesn't just approach me like a business owner, she approaches me as a human who wants my business to integrate into my personality, lifestyle, preferences, and needs. Her coaching balances logic and structure with intuition and emotional awareness.

She is the definition of IQ meets EQ and an absolute powerhouse to have on your team while you pursue your goals.

Kasia M.
Taylor is an intuitive, thoughtful coach that will push you to creatively ideate on more aligned ways of achieving your goals. She listens deeply and with so much presence - I never once felt her attention stray from me and my session. Her strategic business hat was supportive in helping me draw insights on my business. Her calm, measured, composed, and professional approach really helped keep session efficient and effective. So grateful for Taylor!

Jen O.